We use improv comedy and storytelling to discover truth between the blurry lines of the daily grind.
As three Black Americans, we utilize our unique voices to spark thoughtful conversations on and off comedy stages. Through a candid dialogue, we exchange our experiences with those of our audience—exploring deeper perspectives on comedy, relationships, and humanity.
Also, we're funny AF.
Chris Williams
East Lansing, MI
A shy kid born and raised in Michigan, Chris eventually gave voice to his imagination—and has spent the last 15 years living and playing in Portland, Oregon. The beauty of the Pacific Northwest may have won his heart but it’s his community of amazing people that keeps him there.
Eric Simons
Saint Paul, MN
The first time Eric was exposed to improv was in high school—not as a performer, but a spectator of Central High School's student team. He was mesmerized by what they did on stage, but when his father asked if he'd ever be interested in something like that, Eric couldn't imagine it.
Leon Anderson
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Leon has lived in all corners of the US; but having been raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida he still considers himself something of a beach kid—social, laid back, and consistently in the moment. He left home and moved to Los Angeles for college, and this is where his love of speech and debate found its home in the world of improv comedy.
But who ARE Chris, Eric, and Leon…..
How did you get into comedy?
Chris: I started taking improv classes in LA when I lived there. My acting teacher at the time suggested I take classes to help me loosen up. I had no idea what improv was but from the very first class I felt like “I got it”. Not that I was good at it but it made sense to me. It just feels familiar and I can just see all the different paths to fun when I am on stage. I stopped acting classes and just took improv which is probably why I am a horrible actor.
Eric: My college friend and future Best Man suggested I take a college class called “Improv for Everybody.” That was over 20 years ago.
Leon: I have always enjoyed comedy, but it wasn’t until I took an elective class in short form improv that I really got INTO comedy (that was in 2003!).
Who is someone you really admire?
Chris: The short answer is my dad. To be where he is in life with where he started out, I find myself in awe of him. So many things were stacked against him and at 70-something he’s one of the kindest, most thoughtful human beings on the planet. He is also a talented artist but I think his responsibilities prevented him from pursuing that path. I wish he would draw more because I think that’s what makes him happy.
What is your favorite word?
Chris: Toss up between “fuck” and “yo”
Eric: “Bull-funky”-Whoopi Goldberg
Leon: “Fiddleybits”… it’s like the little tiny things that are hard to work with, but are really important
What’s your least favorite word?
Leon: Not really a fan of any word that ends in “-s[consonant]s”... it’s just awkward to pronounce. (ie. “wasps”)
Chris: “Always”
What’s your favorite movie?
Eric: Watching movies (especially in the theater) is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I usually say Pulp Fiction, because watching that as a teen unlocked something about film for me. My Letterboxd says more about what I’m watching now.
Leon: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off… I imagine that is how I’d live my life if I was a well off white teenager.
Chris: Trading Places
What’s your favorite album?
Chris: I don’t have one. I just like songs. However, there are two albums that I like almost every single song. Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Ray LaMontagne’s Trouble.
Eric: This is impossible to answer, but I'm perpetually building a playlist called Patio Steez. Vibes and such.
Leon: Ten by Pearl Jam… used to listen to it every Sunday morning when my oldest was a baby.
Who is your favorite Author?
Chris: I love fantasy and Patrick Rothfuss is really good. Still waiting for book 3!
Eric: Kurt Vonnegut or Haruki Murakami.
Leon: Let's just go with Kevin Young… IYKYK.
If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be?
Chris: Fungus.
Eric: Being a bird seems pretty sweet. Like a falcon, just floating.
What inspires you creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Eric: Laughter. Joy. Contemplating the profound and the mundane.
Leon: Well obviously the answer is Improv… but tied for first is also spending time with my family and also cooking… so much cooking!
Chris: Stories from regular ass people. I love listening to a really good storyteller. I love learning about different journeys people have had.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Chris: Author
Eric: Fuck capitalism
Leon: I always thought I’d be a pretty great firefighter… but mostly for the time off and the fire truck.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Chris: People who change drastically according to who they are around.
Eric: No one in Portland uses turn signals while driving.
Leon: When people say they will be somewhere, and just don’t show up… no text, no call.
What’s your favorite season?
Chris: The fall. I’m a Michigan kid!
Eric: Minnesota autumn. The foliage is kaleidoscopic and the weather is sunny and crisp.
Leon: BBQ season.
Anything else you want people to know about you?
Eric: My daughter is already way funnier than me.
Chris: Being honest doesn’t mean you have to be cruel. There’s a time and a place for everything.
Gravy Gallery